Remember back to Sesame Street and the "Which one of these four does not belong" question? Well, if you lined up the 4 Gospels in a 4 box square and asked that question, the answer would inevitably be "John".
In fact, the other three Gospels are so often grouped together that they are called the Synoptic Gospels and John is left out. In fact, in many ways, the Gospel of John is defined by how different it is from the other Gospels. But that's fine - John was writing with a specific purpose and it was not the same purpose as Matthew, Mark and Luke. Despite how John might seem different, all four gospels tell the story of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. They just tell it in different ways and from different perspectives.
The current Deep Dive in Scripture is the Gospel of John. I've read it before but not in this much detail and with so much care. Join me in taking a Deep Dive into the Gospel of John.
Start with the Intro to the Gospel of John and then dive in to John - Chapter 1!